
Saturday, September 8, 2012

[22] day challenge.

I Am Second is a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. Actors. Athletes. Musicians. Business leaders. Drug addicts. Your next-door neighbor. People like you. The authentic stories provide insight into dealing with typical struggles of everyday living. These are stories that give hope to the lonely and the hurting, help from destructive lifestyles, and inspiration to the unfulfilled.

I first learned about this movement a little over a year ago, and recently stumbled across one of the videos on Youtube. After being convicted by the story I heard, I knew I needed to dive deeper. I registered online, downloaded some materials and accepted what's called the [22] Day Challenge.

Here's what you do for the challenge:
  • Watch the I am Second film of the day.
  • Send a link to that film to someone that comes to mind.
  • Take the Action Step for the day.
  • Pray for people in your city to experience the freedom of living Second.
You will be encouraged, just as I have been, as you watch each day's I am Second focus film. You will grow stronger as you take each day's action step. You will have the fun of forwarding I am Second's films to others. You will see change as you pray for your city.

We are Second when we put Jesus First. Seconds are bold to lift up Jesus and tell others. Are you ready to become a stronger Second? I invite you all to prayerfully consider joining me in this challenge! I will do my best to post the link here to the daily challenge, but I encourage you to look at the website to learn more. Click here to visit

Day [1] Challenge : click here.

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