
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Am Second Day [13] - slacking.

"Sorry" is not even close to the feeling I feel for keeping you all hanging with the latest challenge. Hopefully you all took the initiative to start doing it on your own, but if not here it is for Day [13]...simply click here!
why must we be second?


Nothing about life is easy.

Fear. Anxiety. Depression. Worries. We all have problems of one type or another. How we deal with them is what makes us different. Many of us are crippled in some way by things like drug or alcohol addiction, pornography, eating disorders, pride, even suicide. You may not be struggling with these exact things, but chances are something in your life has taken over. We need to be set free, but just cannot seem to do it alone.


Everything is never enough.

The truth is, we live life to satisfy ourselves. "I am Number One" is how we live. The problem is that once we achieve or accomplish the things we thought would bring us happiness, we find ourselves as empty as before. It never seems to never be enough. Why? Because the emptiness we feel is spiritual, not just physical or emotional.


It's not about you.

The spiritual hollowness we feel can be filled only by Jesus Christ. Jesus is first because He really is the one and only Son of God that can save us from ourselves. He died for us because God loves us so much and He sent Jesus to take the power away from our sin nature – the nature we were born with that leads us to make bad choices and ultimately leads to our death. Jesus said, "God so loved the world, that He have His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."


Jesus Christ died for you.

We are all born into sin and the payment for sin is death and separation from God. Jesus died to pay the penalty in full for our sin nature. Yesterday, today and forever. He was buried in a tomb and raised from the dead with power over sin. He offers all of us the gift of eternal life and an intimate relationship that starts the minute you invite Him into your life. All you have to do is believe He is really inside of you. Get to know Jesus daily and talk to Him about everything in your life.


Decide that you need him.

How can you become second? Allow believers just like you to answer that question. Watch their responses!

If you believe these things, tell God. You can pray something like this. "God, thank You for loving me. I know I have sinned against You. I believe that Your Son, Jesus, died to pay for my sins because of Your great love for me. I believe you raised Jesus from the dead. I now put my trust only in Jesus to love me and forgive me for my sins. Help me put Jesus first. Thank you for our new relationship and the gift of eternal life. Amen."

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