
Thursday, September 13, 2012

I Am Second Day [6]

"My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry," -James 1:19

I really enjoyed hearing today's challenge message from Karen Green. Watching the emotions spread across her face as she tells stories from her past made my heart ache. The pain she endured, and the sites her son was exposed to, makes me value and cherish the life I've been blessed with.

Karen chose to make a drastic change in her life when she turned herself in after a warrant was issued for her arrest. It's not often you hear of someone doing this, but the way she urgently sought after God and His will for her is inspiring.

"That's when I surrendered...because I didn't know what else to do. ... I didn't know how to change but I knew I had to change. And God, through His Word began to change me. ... And I said, 'God, if you are who they say you are, then change me. CHANGE ME.'"

To check out today's I Am Second challenge, click here!

Karen faced abuse, poverty, and a broken family. What do the people in your life face? Make today a day of listening. Ask questions, listen, be quiet. Listen to their stories. Pray for them.

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