
Thursday, September 20, 2012

red lights. and today's challenge.

Ever been in such a big hurry that it feels like everything and everyone is out to slow you down? I felt just like that yesterday when I was out visiting schools for my new job. I had an appointment at 9:00 am and thought I had allowed myself enough time for travel. However, I started noticing that every, single stoplight between my house and the school...was red.

Needless to say, I was a bit ticked off. I kept getting stopped and the time kept slipping away; I was positive that I would be late.

As I was stopped at the final intersection before my destination, I heard a whisper: "Slow down." I chuckled as I became aware of exactly what was occurring. God was showing off his sense of humor...unfortunately it took me too long to figure it out.

I sat humbled by how intentional God used those glowing red lights to draw me closer to Him. I get caught up in where I have to be and what I have to do, and I lose myself in my selfish cravings of success, that I tend to forget to sit and praise my Creator for allowing me to have all of these plans.

This awareness is not something that will come overnight, but I pray that the Father continue to bless me with red lights, stop signs and long trains, in hopes that I can sit in His presence. Click here for today's I Am Second video challenge, and be inspired by Shannon Culpepper's story and her struggle with craving something other than the Father.

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