
About Me

First and foremost, I'm seriously stoked that you've decided to check out my blog. I hope you are able to find something that is entertaining, thought-provoking or maybe even a mixture of both. You're probably wondering where "Phiz" comes from. Well, to make a long story short, it's a nickname given to me by a good friend (and former student) that's stuck and sort of become an alter ego. He's my adventurous side.

Photo courtesy of Chris Meyers, 2013.

Born and raised in South Boston, Virginia, I'm a 2011 graduate of James Madison University. While there, I got my degree in Media Arts & Design with a concentration in Digital Video & Cinema.  I also minored in Theater and Dance, which are two big passions of mine. Another, even greater, passion is youth ministry! I recently made a big move down to Greenwood, South Carolina, where I am currently the Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries at Main Street United Methodist Church.

One thing you may pick up about this blog is that I just down-right LOVE Jesus. My hope is that the posts you find will ultimately bring Him the glory. I'd love to hear your feedback and any suggestions on cool adventures as well!

In His grace,


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