
Saturday, August 23, 2014


My last few posts have all started out the same way - me apologizing for my sporadic blogging. This became apparent to me only after my beautiful fiancé, Heidi, pointed it out to me during a recent visit she made down to South Carolina. Thus, per her request, I will stop apologizing for said "sporadic blogging". You see, I have a very good and understandable reason as to why my posts have been few and far between recently.

On top of picking up and moving my life down to Greenwood, SC, the past year has proven to hold a number of stand-alone moments. One for instance is one that I've written about most recently. My engagement to the ever-lovely and all-loving Heidi Logan.

Our engagement has been one that has had it's share of ups and downs - mainly due to the whole long-distance issue. However, it has been full of even more moments of encouragement and joy. In case you don't already follow me on Instagram, please head on over and give me a "follow" - @phizkhalifa. On there you will find that I have been posting a photo everyday in an effort to countdown the final 100 days of our engagement. And just the other day, I reached "50", and boy has the number "50" never looked so good!

The photo itself was nothing special - an image of a brochure I was working on - but I couldn't help but take a moment and stare at that number for a brief second. So much emotion had filled the previous 50 days and I was overwhelmed with all that would be held within the following 50. Thoughts rushed into my mind of "Am I ready?", "Have I done everything I need to do?", "Will I be a good husband?". These fears are ones that plague me often, and yet I am reminded of Philippians 2:3 that states, "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose." God is working in me, preparing me to be exactly who He knows me to be. All I have to do is follow and obey.

I am so blessed to have spent the past 50+ days engaged to a woman who strives daily in her personal relationship with the Lord, all while encouraging me in my own. And I expectantly look ahead as we draw closer to beginning our lives together and build our marriage on a firm foundation.

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