
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

on the road parody.

With my new job, I travel up and down the Western half of Virginia giving presentations to high school seniors about life after graduation, the options they have available to them and how to make the best choice for them. A couple weeks ago, I had to travel down to Carroll County for a College & Career Fair. On the ay down, I needed a way to keep myself awake and alert so I decided to film myself spoofing one of my favorite videos of all time.

I don't know if any of you are familiar with Youtube sensation Glozelle, but one of her original videos is titled, "My Push-up Bra Will Help Me Get My Man Back". To see it, click here! Needless to say, it. is. HILARIOUS! Thus, I decided to do a brief parody of it on my way to my presentation.

I like to call it....My Presentation Will Get Me Students.

You all may think it's just me acting like an idiot, but I like to view it as art....kinda. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it and don't forget to check back for more adventures (there's quite a bit coming up soon).

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