
Sunday, October 14, 2012

i can't sing loud enough.

A couple years ago, a good friend of mine introduced me to a song that made me speechless.  Phil Wickham, a contemporary Christian artist, released his album Heaven and Earth, and with it a song that embraces you with all of the wonder and majesty that Christ has to offer.

Cielo, which is Spanish for Heaven, is a simple yet beautiful song that is raw in its melodies and lyrics.  The first time I heard it, I was simply taken back by what he was saying and how the words were truly what I have been feeling in my heart.
i'm walking through the bright white gates
breathing in and out your grace
all around me melodies rise
that echo with the joy inside
so i start to sing
but i cant sing loud enough
i can't sing loud enough
when i'm singing for You my God
i can't sing loud enough
i can't sing loud enough
when i'm singing for You my God
Knowing that even in the loudest of circumstances, God can still hear my call to him, is something that is crazy to think about.  I know personally I often find myself getting caught up in the day-to-day hustle and bustle, and at times forget to take a minute and deep breath, and just be in the presence of God.
with a thunder roll and a brilliant light
your glory boasts and the heavens shine
the saints and angels stand in awe
captured by the beauty of it all
so i fall to my knees
but i can't bow low enough
i can't bow low enough
at the vision of You my God
i can't bow low enough
i can't bow low enough
at the vision of You my God
There are times when all I want to do is fall to my knees and simply praise God for everything He has given me and blessed me with.  And it's difficult to express exactly how you feel, but I've found ways to be "exuberant" towards God, without necessarily falling down to my knees in the middle of the office.  I look at it as I can do the exact same thing on the inside.  I can shout and jump and scream as loudly as I want (internally) and know that God still hears me.
i can't hold it all inside
i'm reaching for the One who brought me out of death and into life
but i can't lift my hands high enough
life my hands high enough
when i'm reaching for You my God
i can't lift my hands high enough
life my hands high enough
when i'm reaching for You my God
oh i'm reaching for You my God
i'm reaching for You
i'm reaching for You
i'm reaching for You my God
I've recently been attempting to spiritually "reach" higher and higher.  I strive to get closer and more intimate with God everyday.  I know we all desire a closer relationship with Him, and often times we find ourselves slipping.  However, as long as we focus on our personal relationship with Christ, then everything else will fall into place.  The reason we often slip, is because we get side-tracked and worried about other things.

I'm setting out to live a more Christ-filled life than I have been.  I want to sing louder...I want to bow lower...I want to reach higher.
Check out the video to the song, Cielo by Phil Wickham here!

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