
Monday, October 1, 2012

learning to love. Day [17]

Today's challenge from I Am Second, could not have come at a better time. Last night (and today) I was feeling extremely bitter and angry towards a few people. The situation was completely out of my control, but I couldn't seem to let go and forgive. I could feel God reassuring me that things would work out and that His justice would prevail, but alas my human nature took over all I could focus on was the bitterness in my heart.

As I logged into my I Am Second account and watched the video, I knew that this message was ordained for me. Ken Hutcherson's story of releasing anger and allowing himself to forgive hit me hard. Ken left hatred behind and started to love. 

Who do you need to love today? Today's challenge: Spend some time with someone you don’t like and see them as someone that God thought was worth dying for. You'll definitely begin to see them, not as an enemy, but as a brother/sister in Christ. See 1 John 2:11, and to watch the video, click here!

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