
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

be a passenger.

This morning as I was attempting to clean out my car (Rhonda - you'll hear more about her later), I stumbled across a note from a fortune cookie. I put it in my pocket and didn't really think too much about it. A couple hours later, as I sat in my office, I pulled out the fortune and was immediately convicted by it's words.  Take a look for yourself:

Now, at first glance you may think, "Oh that's nice." But if you know me at all, you know that I thrive on having things all planned out and rarely do you see me not in control. 

Lately, I've been struggling with my upcoming move to a new job. I've been playing "keep-away" with God, trying to hold on to the reigns for as long as possible. I've been attempting to drive my ship on the course that I want to go on.

I am a huge believer that God likes to show off at times and that He enjoys watching us squirm a bit before He swoops in and knocks us over the head with a little bit of grace and compassion. This is exactly what He did this morning. Now I'm sure whoever typed up this fortune in a factory somewhere wasn't planning on me finding their note, but what I do know is that God ordained for me to find this little piece of advice at exactly the right time.

Psalm 55:22 says,
"Cast your cares on the Lord
    and he will sustain you;
he will never let
    the righteous be shaken."
This is definitely something I need to work on in my walk with Christ. I think it's something we can all use as a reminder. When we attempt to do everything on our own, we are doing nothing but allowing ourselves to grow tired and weary. when we cease drawing closer to Him, the stresses and tortures of this world give way to sin. However, when we decide to be the passenger, when we cast our cares to the Lord, He gives us strength and rest. He promises to use us to do great works, to see marvelous sights.

I challenge you today to be a passenger, and see what awesome adventure God takes you on! Allow Him to provide rest in the midst of trying times. As Carrie Underwood sang, "Jesus, take the wheel!"

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