
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

paddle faster. i hear banjos.

Well it's has definitely taken me longer than expected to get the post up, but I didn't want to publish it without some pictures. After all, what's a blog without some sweet pics to look at?!

Last month, my girlfriend, Heidi, and I took a trip down to my hometown, South Boston, to visit with my family. This wasn't just any ordinary trip to see family though. No, friends, this was a big step in our relationship. During our weekend in Southern VA, we made plans to go on a big family canoe trip! I was a little nervous about whether or not she would paddle any (which she ended up not), while she was more worried about bugs, snakes, fish with fangs, rapids, etc....Needless to say, we were definitely in for an adventure!

Sorry for the finger in the picture... #fail

We set out on the Staunton River at Long Island (Virginia - not New York) Saturday morning, equipped with enough food and drinks to survive a voyage on the Oregon Trail. (Do you guys remember that computer game?) It wasn't long before Heids was lounged back in the front of our double kayak and I was propelling us down river.

Along the way we hit all of our usual stops, like Jump Rock, Lunch Rock and the crowd-favorite "Tree"!

My brother rocking Jorts

Too much fun!

Looking back on our time on the river, it's impossible not to smile and reminisce on how much fun we had. Though we all suffered some scrapes and insane sunburns, what stands out is the overwhelming feeling of laughter. Heids and I are anxiously looking forward to our next trip down the river. Don't tell her, but I think she's slowly coming around to accepting her adventurous rugged side!

In the meantime, I hope to see each of you getting out and enjoying an adventure or two of your own. I love hearing from you about what crazy things you get into, and suggestions for my next outing. Keep em' coming!! Stay tuned for another post sometime today with some details from our trip to Myrtle Beach; I'm really pumped to share it with you guys!

Until then, be adventurous.

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