
Thursday, December 5, 2013

from called to equipped.

It's been almost two months since I moved to Greenwood, SC and started a new chapter. These weeks have been filled with much excitement and growth. I have been pushed and pulled in new ways and owe it all to the grace of God. I have been overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and support, both from my family and friends in Virginia, but also from those I have met here in Greenwood.

I wanted to sit down and take some time to write this post to tell you about a change I recently went through. It's one that may seem small while you read this, but in the moment it was drastic and life-changing.

A few weeks ago, I was going through my new office and cleaning out drawers and cabinets from my predecessor. As I rummaged through old files, I came across a large black binder. In it I found pages and pages of letters and resumes from people who had applied for the job I now hold. At first, I closed it and threw it on the ground, knowing it was something I probably was never meant to see. But human nature took over and I opened it. Looking through the names and resumes, I was overcome with humility.

Why me?

These people carried with them degrees from huge universities and seminaries. They had years of experience under their belts, families and marriages to draw from, and letters of recommendation that could, seriously, be turned into a book on "How to do Youth Ministry Right!"

As I closed the binder and put it to the side to be thrown out, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with the question, 'Why me?' I mean, why would God bring me here if there were people much more qualified for the position? What was going through the minds of the people who made the decision to bring me here? I couldn't help but to feel small and insignificant. In comparison to these people that filled the binder, I was the low man on the totem pole. I searched for a reason and when I couldn't seem to find one in myself, I turned to the One who could. My Creator.

As I prayed, I asked God to help me understand why I was here. I wanted to know why He would bring me here when I was so unequipped.

And then it hit me. I was right. I was unequipped. But only by my own standards.

I flipped through my Bible to Philippians 1:5-6. It read, "...because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." And Phil. 2:13 which says, "for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose."

God had brought me here to Greenwood for a reason. He had called someone who may not have had the most experience or the highest degree. But He was equipping me despite those earthly standards. He was working in me to fulfill His good purpose.

I think it's a normal thing for us to become overwhelmed in new situations. It's easy to make ourselves believe that we are not prepared or that we are not worthy of being where we've been led. However, when we hold firm to the truth that God works in us for good, we are able to move forward in doing the work He set forth for us to do. He is giving us all the proper and necessary tools we need to carry out our calling.

We (myself included) must remember that God does not called the equipped. He equips the called. And that He is working in us to fulfill His good purpose.

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