
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

i stink... writing blogs.

I think it's safe to say that I probably, more than likely, should not be the main contributor to a blog. But, alas, it is what it is and thus here I am...contributing. And before I continue on with my thoughts I want to apologize for the large gaps of time between my posts. Sometimes the adventures I take lead me away from my computer (or at least that's the excuse I'm going to use). But now onto the good stuff... being patient.

I get this flaw from my late great-grandfather who was, quite possibly, the most impatient person I've ever known. For the past few months I've wrestled with what I'm doing. Whether that be in work or in play. The question I ask myself is, "What am I doing with my life? How am I being used? How am I being a witness?" These questions run rampid and force me to take long, hard looks in the mirror. I can't help but wonder what God is preparing me for. My impatient spirit longs for the answers and screams "Just tell me what to do! Show me where to go!!" And with those thoughts, come the questions: "Will I be ready? Will I be good enough?" being confident.

The questions that race through my head at night have most definitely taken their toll on my confidence. But in the moments when I can sit quietly with my Father, I'm reminded of Philippians 1:5-6 where Paul writes, "because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." My prayer is that, going forward, this be my heart's cry. being brave.

In response to being unsure of where I'm at and what I'm doing, I decided to venture out and actively pursue God's calling in my life. I know that He has blessed me with a passion for youth ministry and a love of spreading His Word. So I put myself out there, and man has He responded in BIG ways! The doors (and windows) that have been opened hold some unknown, yet exciting, adventures. And while I welcome the next chapter in my life, my human nature still creates a bit of fear of what is ahead. Pair with these thoughts the questions from earlier (section 2), and you get a vicious cycle.

And while I realize and admit these faults, I humbly welcome my Father's grace and mercy. And with those, the vicous cycle of fear, doubtfulness and impatience that Satan has thrown my way is banished. I embrace the adventure He is unfolding before me and am excited for the journey ahead. While my blog skills may not improve much (if any), I am convinced that the things I "stink" at will slowly begin to morph into ways to bring Him the glory.

I cannot wait to share with you all more of what the Lord has laid on my heart, and the plans He is making known to me. Until my next post, be adventurous!